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Your privacy is important to us. Please read the following policy to understand how we may collect information from you, what we may do with that information and what choices you can make about the way in which your information is treated.


Who we are

Our private clinical and medico-legal practice [The Practice] is a national practice carried out by Mr Lee, his associates and staff. The Practice comprises one office in the United Kingdom which is wholly owned by The Practice.  There are clinical sites and facilities which are wholly owned, supervised or controlled by Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth, HCA International or Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust.


References in these legal notices and elsewhere on this website to The Practice means The Practice trading as Kwong Ming Corporation Ltd, its subsidiaries and affiliates and the other partnerships and other entities or practices authorised to use the name “Kwong Ming Corporation Ltd” or one or more of these practices as the context may require.


The term “The Practice” refers to a member or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing and qualifications or to an individual with equivalent status in one of Kwong Ming Corporation Ltd affiliated undertakings. A list of members of Kwong Ming Corporation Ltd and of non-members who are designated as partners and their professional qualifications is available at request. 


We are registered under, and handle personal data in accordance with, the Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR regulations and other relevant privacy legislation. The Practice is registered on the Information Commissioner’s Office Data Protection Register under number ZA348979.

The information we collect

You are not required to provide any personally identifiable information on the public areas of this website. However, you may choose to do so by completing forms on various sections of our website or by otherwise requesting information from us or subscribing for our services. We may also collect information from you as a result of your relationship with one or more of our clients or other service providers.  We will require your consent to collect such information from you or your authorised deputy in order to provide a clinical or medic-legal service to you or your client.  We advise you to consider providing consent for your personal data and medical information to be shared with all the clinicians and nursing staff who look after you, or all clinicians and nursing staff who may be looking after you; and to have such data retained for long enough in order to provide you with a reasonable standard of care in the future.  


Personally identifiable information may include your name, address, telephone number and email address, family details including your ethnic origin, financial information, medical details where that is relevant to a claim/case/matter and details of your education and employment history; your GP and other clinicians caring for you; or other experts or legal agents acting on your behalf or on behalf of the Defendant or NHS litigation service.


By using any of our services, including our website, and by providing us with any personal information you are indicating that you consent to the use of your personal, medical, clinical or medico-legal information as set out in this policy; and to be retained for a duration adequate to provide a reasonable standard of clinical care for an adequate duration in follow up and monitoring; or for a long enough duration as stipulated by the Court.


How we use your information

We will store and use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To provide an excellent standard of clinical care to you

  • To provide an independent report for the Court

  • To bill you, your insurance company or your solicitor for the professional services provided to you.

  • To manage and maintain our relationship with you if indicated or if required clinically or legally.

  • To provide services or information requested by you; including conducting identity, credit, regulatory, and conflict checks

  • To act for our clients in cases which may involve you, whether as a claimant or defendant or as a third party

  • To receive services from our service providers

  • To provide you with further information about our products and services

  • To organise and promote events, including the creating of attendee lists and name badges

  • To audit usage of our website.


Disclosure of your personal information

Your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties unless either you agree or request; or we are required to do so to comply with our legal or regulatory requirements.


If in the future we re-organise or transfer all or part of our business, we may need to transfer your information to the new Practice, or to third parties through which the business of The Practice will be carried out.


It is possible, although unlikely, that we may be forced to disclose personally identifiable information in response to legal process or when we believe in good faith that the law or regulation requires it.  We will use reasonable endeavours to notify you before we do this, unless we are legally restricted from doing so.


Our website contains links to other sites whose information practices may be different than ours. Visitors should consult the other sites’ privacy policies as we have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by, these third parties.

We may post information about programmes and events that are sponsored or co-sponsored by other organisations. Should you choose to register for any of these events, we will have no control over the third party sponsor’s use of your information.



We do not use cookies on our website.



In compliance with data protection and electronic communication rules, we may provide you from time to time with information that we think may be of interest to you. This information may be clinical or legal updates, information about new clinical or legal services or details of events hosted by The Practice. If you prefer not to receive promotional material from us, please email us at


Protection of your information

We apply the highest standards of security when it comes to hosting and protecting information.

We have policies and technical measures in place to protect your Personal Data against unauthorised access, accidental loss, improper use and disclosure. All of our employees and any third parties we engage to process your personal information are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your information.

We do not sell, rent, distribute or otherwise make personal information commercially available to any third party, except as described in this policy or with your prior permission.

However, the internet is not completely secure and, although we do our best to protect your Personal Data, the transmission of your data to use is done at your own risk.


Your rights

You have a right of access to Personal Data that we may hold about you, to have inaccurate factual information, but not clinical, medico-legal or expert opinion, about you corrected and to request that we stop using your Personal Data for marketing purposes. Your request to delete your medical record and data may result in inadequate medical care at your own expense and the Practice will not be liable should this problem arise as a result of your requesting deleting your medical data.  Access requests should be put in writing and addressed to the Data Protection Officer at the address below. Please help us to keep you information up to date by informing us of any changes.


Revisions to this policy

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.


Contact Information

If you have any comments or questions about our data protection and privacy practices, please contact the Data Protection Officer by email



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